DANCE – The Microcosm of Life

When we hear the word “Dance”, we instantly relate it to the movement of body, that gives us a sense of happiness and releases us from the clutches of everyday stress. But this is just a superficial aspect of it.

When we go deeper into this and start perceiving it the way it’s meant to be, we experience an epiphany of sorts………………..that dance is not just a word, it has a greater meaning to it. It’s an emotion. It’s a feeling. It’s devotion and for many, it’s a way of life.

“When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step along the way.”


Microcosm is a concept, rather a fact, that a  part  encapsulates the characteristics of the whole. So saying that dance is a microcosm of life, is no exaggeration, whereby the dancer feels, lives, embraces and accepts every facet of oneself and eventually, one’s life.

Dance is an experience, a blissful state, which outwardly takes us from stillness to movement but from within , we transcend all movement to be in union with the ultimate stillness, where the dancer becomes the dance. This is also a state of communion of the dichotomy of life, which according to yogic culture, is a pre requisite for a balanced and ecstatic life.

Inspite of having reasonable control on our energies, on our emotions; situations or circumstances don’t always go our way. The best we can do is to have an unwavering inner self, so as to move through the difficulties of life, joyfully.

While expressing  an emotion (Ras) , the dancer dives deep into the hidden corners of the mind and relives that emotion – from grief to joy, anger to peace, turmoil to calmness – which ultimately leads to CATHARSIS – a  process of venting of the pent up emotions, which makes dance a great therapeutic tool, thereby reinforcing the stability of the inner self.

Indian classical dance(s) is one of the ways to re – engineer our innerself. When one is getting trained in the same, the postures and nuances are such that it gives you physical pain, but one has to learn to do it joyfully (mentally, emotionally & physically) in order to achieve this transcendence. Sub – consciously this entire process, rewires our brain and becomes a way of life which then eventually gives us the strength and courage to face austerities of life more joyfully.


Content : Trisha Kaushik

Concept : Trisha Kaushik

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