
SOCIAL MEDIA – Is it making you UNSOCIAL?

Almost all of us are present and active on one or more social media platforms. And if we check our screen time, it will be quite evident that we do spend a substantial amount of our time on social media – whether posting about our new job, or just uploading some random pics, or mentioning…


Have you ever shared your issues with someone and in reply heard, “Oh C’mon, you are overthinking and being too negative. Think positive.”? I can already hear you say “YES”. So, here we are, living in a world of fads. Fad of using dominating abbreviations (Lol, Asap, Ttyl etc.), of taking selfies, of gaming, of…

DANCE – The Microcosm of Life

When we hear the word “Dance”, we instantly relate it to the movement of body, that gives us a sense of happiness and releases us from the clutches of everyday stress. But this is just a superficial aspect of it. When we go deeper into this and start perceiving it the way it’s meant to…

TIME – is it an Illusion?

Is it merely a division of day into hours, minutes or seconds?OR is it a gauge to assess our speed of completing a task? Well, if we go back in time when the clock was not discovered at all, Sunrise and Sunsets acted as our cue to start working or take rest. It did not…

VEILING – is it a way of LIFE?

Imagine a kid, excited about his first stage performance, he is fully prepared but the moment he goes on the stage he forgets his lines, the crowd is laughing at him and when he comes back his teacher scolds him for the bad show. Next season, the child’s mother asks him to participate, knowing he…

Growth is Natural

Look at these beautiful fruits, hanging freely from the branches, dancing with the wind and reminding us about the abundant nature of life. Well, we often tend to forget the fact that the magnificent mango tree was a little seed in the soil once, we forget the fact that it has its roots dug deep…

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